
More determined than ever I can’t believe

I’ve found it at my leisure

It brings freedom and love and great pleasure

It will give me all I lost and more without measure

For where your heart is there is your treasure


As I open my treasure the gates open wide

Now in I run with a great stride

It’s my destiny I found my course

With healing and love from it’s great source


“What is your treasure? I hear you moan”

“I don’t know you must find your own”

“If it frees your heart and frees your mind

and you find yourself on higher ground”



With Good Mental Health

Yeah it can be hard, tougher but heavy as lard

Sometimes keeps you in your yard

To the point I’m now physically scarred

But as I stood so tall to say

“There is a better way”

I began to see how this God given LIFE

Can positively benefit me

Like, learning and self-training to become an

Original Rhymer M.C.

Gradually this opened many doors

Of opportunity

My self-esteem grew greatly

To stand against paranoid schizophrenia

And perform to one day a whole arena

I destroy symptoms as I flow

Beautiful rhythms

This is worth the fight

Turn pain in to delight …

With good mental health I have… finally moved on

Every day new joys appear

As it’s my Father’s voice I hear

Which helps me through my healing

Smiles and happiness I’m feeling


I never thought I’d get this far

But I’ve finally stepped over that bar

That’s allowed me to move onwards

My whole recovery’s now going upwards


I pray each day and each night

I’m never going to give up this fight

One day I’ll be free

Something I never thought I’d see


Life has never been so great

No more of the things I hate

And with the help of the Father, Spirit and Son

I can finally say that I’ve moved on