
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust




Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust


We provide a full range of high quality mental health and specialist learning disability services across Hertfordshire – and specialist learning disability services in North Essex and Norfolk.


Our 2,800 staff care for over 30,000 services users each year, across more than 80 locations.

The Trust has an outstanding track record for service delivery and effectiveness and in 2007 we became a Foundation Trust. 


The Care Quality Commission has rated us as “excellent” for quality of service provision and “excellent” for the use of resources.

We have embarked on a change programme to ensure that all our services make a positive difference to the lives of service users and their carers.


We have pioneered the use of the Recovery approach and continue to evaluate and implement new approaches in mental health and learning disability care.

We have a special relationship with the University of Hertfordshire which will enhance research and professional education in the fields of mental health and learning disability

 To find out more about us please click here:



































