The Yellow Book …
the yellow book
The yellow book is a publication from the rethinkyourmind project. It is created by those with experience of mental health challenges and endorsed by professionals. The book hopes to educate, aid and support.
48 pieces of art, photography and poetry selected from this years entries will be published in the yellow book.
The 134 page book includes:
Wellbeing material
Recovery material from The Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London
Recovery material from The Royal College of Psychiatrists
Recovery material from The NHS Confederation MHN
Signposting to National organisations and charities of support
48 pages of positive artwork and poetry from the project
Forewords from prominant figures including Professor Lord Patel of Bradford OBE
A page from each member of the artwork and poetry panel
“The beauty of the butterfly effect, an open & peaceful mind.”
Concept Art by Enter Edem:
The Yellow Book comes from the rethinkyourmind project, which was borne out of the service user led, Wellbeing, community interest company
SISO – Safe Inside Safe Outside
We want to extend our thanks to everyone that brought this project to fruition!