
music videos

music videos


The music videos from Rubie Colt and refuge for the rethinkyourmind project have now been released. Click their logos below to watch the films and find out more:


REFUGE WHITE LOGO                                                    

       22Rubie Colt Logo



We would like to say a huge thank you to Nick Lee Shield of Something Creative for all his time with the films. Click his logo below to find out more:


 1something creative


We extend our grattitude to Emma Fay who did the wonderful Body Art for Rubie Colt. Click her logo below to find out more:


2emma fay site



We would like to say a massive thank you to the studios below

for all their support in helping the singles to become a reality.

Click the logos below to find out more about their work:



Nepenthe Studios Logo




3stuck on a name
