
Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust




Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is a major provider of healthcare in Cumbria. Our principal activities are:

  • Long term conditions, including dementia, psychosis, diabetes, neurological conditions and learning disabilities
  • Children and young people, including health visiting, school nursing and other community health services
  • Recovery and rehabilitation, including brain injuries, strokes, elderly care, physiotherapy and prison healthcare
  • Wellbeing and lifestyle, including depression, stress and anxiety, stop smoking and sexual health
  • Urgent care, including mental health crisis, inpatient care and out of hours community nursing
  • End of life care, including palliative care services

We serve a population of almost half a million across the six districts in Cumbria and as a Foundation Trust we have over 14,000 members who are invited to have their say about their local health services.

For more information about the services we provide, visit:


We also have a website that is aimed at improving the physical and emotional health of young people – visit:



